Monday, 23 January 2017

Living Arrows 4/52

My boys are so cheeky especially when they are together. Freddie absolutely adores his big brother and the feeling is actually mutual now! 

James had his second forest school afternoon at school and came home covered in even more mud than last week! In fact the whole class were so bad they couldn't bring them back through the school! The staff kept the kids outside while parents nipped in and grabbed water bottles and bags!

Freddie has been teething so bad this week with his molars! There's been a lot of disturbed nights and a few days of not much napping or napping across mummy so I couldn't do anything! We were back to our baby group this week which he loved! Some of his little pals who he went to baby social with were there. It was so nice to have the little gang back together! 


  1. That is a LOT of mud! Look at Freddie's wee face - so cute!

  2. If my kids came home like that I would be fuming! But, I'm sure they had a great time :) Freddie has the cutest face x

  3. That is a lot of mud. Do they just wear their school uniform to do forest school? Ours have to take scruffy outdoor clothes and overalls or top and bottom waterproofs. #livingarrows
