Thursday, 15 January 2015

Our visit to the eye hospital

So today was the day we had to take James to children's outpatients at Newcastle eye centre based at the Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI).

We had this appointment because when we registered at the new GP when we moved, the health visitor that came out do his visit on joining the practice wanted him to have an eye test due to both myself and Andy being short sighted. He had an initial appointment before Christmas, then today was the main appointment.

The appointment time we had was 0930am so it meant a very early start and actually get up when our alarms went off rather than having a cuppa in bed before having shower.

We found the department very easily and it was signed very clearly from the hospital entrance and in the lift. 

We booked in at reception at about quarter past nine and were directed to the children's playroom at the end of the corridor. Just after half past nine a nurse called James name and we were taken into a little room. Andy held James on his lap while the nurse put drops in James eyes to dilate his pupils. 

As James has very blue eyes the dilation of his pupils will last at least 12 hours. James was so good and only cried for about twenty seconds. We then went back to the playroom to allow the drops to do their job. 

Just after ten am we were called into see the opthmologist. He had a look at James eyes by holding lenses in front of James eyes and talking to him about the big pictures of noddy and big ears on the wall. This lasted about ten minutes then it was back to the playroom for another half an hour before going into see the doctor.

James got the all clear and no signs of being short sighted. He doesn't need to go back to the clinic which is good. 

Once he turns four in August 2016 he will have to start having yearly eye tests to make sure any problems are caught straight away. 

The doctors and nurses were brilliant with James. 

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