Monday 29 January 2018

Living Arrows 2018 5/53

Welcome to week five of Living Arrows 2018!
This week as been a pretty boring week as James has been in school all five days, Freddie had his two playgroup sessions and then his normal Sure Start group. 

These photos of James were taken after school one night. We had some toys to review and he was so thrilled to get them!! Most of the things we have done via here lately have all been aimed at Freddie, So to get an opportunity that is aimed at James, then it is brilliant!

Freddie has been so full of beans this week, but he does like his down time when he snuggles up with his blanket and watches Peppa Pig via Netflix on the sofa! This week at Sure Start Freddie has had to say goodbye to two of his best pals who he has known since he was a few weeks old as they were moving house. He's really going to miss them at our group! Freddie has been playing with some of James old toys this week. He has taking a real liking to the playtime bus with phonics! He loves putting it onto the music setting and dancing to all the nursery rhymes!


Living Arrows


  1. My daughter has that toy bus...though she likes to sit on it and ride around!!!

  2. Review toys are just the best aren't they?! I often find now that I really struggle to get photos as the children spend more time at school than at home x
