Friday, 26 January 2018

Out and About with the One Hand Fold Pushchair

Welcome to the next part of our review into the BabyStart One Hand Fold Pushchair!
This post focuses on taking it out and about in Tyne and Wear.

We were invited to Fratello’s restaurant, which is based at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Jesmond, to attend an event with Messy Little Thing. I thought this would be the perfect time to take the pushchair out on a test run in Tyne and Wear especially as it involved walking, public transport and then we would be having a meal in a restaurant so the pushchair might need to be folded down. 

We had a short walk from our house down to the local metro station and then a fifteen minute ride on the train and then a five minute walk at the other end!

The pushchair passed the first test which was taking it backwards out of our front door like I do with our big pushchair.

On the walk down to the metro station, the pushchair felt a bit odd to push, like it didn’t want to go in the direction I wanted it to go in. This was solved once we got to the metro station as I realised I had only taken one of the wheel locks off so one was on swivel and the other was on locked.

The pushchair went onto the train with ease and I was able to sit on the sideways seats by the door with Freddie parked in front of me and he took up very little room. People could still walk past and down the aisle with ease.

At the other end we got off the train no problem and into the lift. The biggest test for the pushchair in my opinion would have been the ticket barriers at Jesmond station. I knew from using Haymarket station that I always needed to use the wide gates with our bigger pram, But the BabyStart One Hand Fold went through the normal sized ticket barrier with plenty of space to spare!

It handled the bumpy ground with ease on the way to our event venue and inside to the venue it pushed great on the carpets of the hotel corridor.

On the way back we had to walk quite quick from our local metro station as we had to get back to pick up James from school, but again the pushchair handled brilliant!

Over all I was really pleased with how it handled on our first trip out with it! The next test for the pushchair will be travelling via train to visit the boys grandparents in Surrey in a few weeks time!


  1. Oh this looks like a fab pushchair, I love that it was narrow enough to go through the normal gates

  2. What a brilliant pushchair! Haven't seen it before but it looks great.

  3. I love it when you find a pushchair that really does what it is meant to do and works for your lifestyle.

  4. There's a lot of positive things to be said for narrow prams! Mines really wide and it drives me mad! x

  5. This sounds great, so handy that you can now use the narrow ticket gates too!

  6. I love the look of this pushchair . Looks the perfect bus pushchair ! Ha - KIRA x
