Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Blogmas Day Twelve

This year we took the boys to see Santa at a local garden centre as a review from this blog, then James saw Santa at his school fair so he has already had two Santa experiences this year! Freddie will be getting his second experience next week when we go to a local shopping centre with his playgroup!

So far this year I have been pretty pleased with how the boys reacted to Santa. Last year both boys ended up in tears at the shopping centre and James then got spooked at the school fair and sent mummy and Freddie in his place!

When we went to the garden centre James was fantastic! He was very chatty with Santa and his elf and answered all their questions! At his school fair he actually managed to be number one in the queue as the grotto was in the school library which is at the bottom of the staircase from his classroom! Again he was fantastic and chatted away to Santa. As with last year it was the school deputy head playing Santa, which James found hilarious!

So over all Santa has been a big plus this year for James. As for Freddie, well at the garden centre at the last minute he got a little bit spooked and wouldn't go into the actual grotto but he did stand at the door and look at Santa, I'm hoping when we go next week with his playgroup he will be a bit better as a lot of his little friends will be there too!

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