Sunday, 23 December 2018

Blogmas Day Twenty Three

Its the final count down! We have almost reached the finish line!

For today's post I am writing all about my goals for 2019 and how I want to have a better balance between family life and blogging life!

At the start of 2018 I said I was going to try and balance things a bit better, yeah that didn't happen at all!

I didn't want to do any blogging when the kids were awake, That did happen I have been doing the majority of my work on a night or on a day Freddie has been in playgroup. But I have been pushing myself with deadlines! There have been nights when I have still been working at nine or ten o'clock just to get things done as once Freddie is asleep I didn't actually sit down and write till after eight o'clock!

A few times I have had to go into the kitchen with the laptop and shut the baby gate to stop Freddie getting in just so I could finish and post on time for a few things! Needless to say Freddie crying at the gate was not too nice!

From January though the balance will be a lot better as I will have Freddie in playgroup for 15 hours a week including one day from 0830 till 1430 so I will have so much more time to write and plan and focus on this blog becoming more established!

So here's to 2019 being the year I actually enjoy some free time away from the monkeys!

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