Saturday, 17 May 2014

Toddler Night Terrors

Well last night what can I say apart James living up to his little monkey nickname and taking ages to get to sleep meaning mummy and daddy didn't get tea till nearly 9pm, we had the worst over night we have seen for a long time.

It startes with us waking in our room after we could hear James babbling in his room next door. Then the babbling turned to a cry, so Andy went through and picked him up.

By the time he was back in our room he was howling and inconsolable. We tried to give him what was left of his milk but he kept pushing it away. And if we tried to cuddle him he was pushing us away too. It was so horrible.

Eventually we got him to take his milk and  he relaxed enough for me to cuddle and he fell back asleep in our bed. But me and Andy were awake for a while after.

Has anyone else experienced this with a toddler? If so tweet me @mrshockallz

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