Saturday, 22 December 2018

Blogmas Day Twenty Two

And so we are getting into the final few days of Blogmas! And I am pretty impressed that I have managed to do some sort of post for each day!

Today is a recap on Freddie and his sort of Santa issues!

So when we went to the garden centre, he looked at Santa from outside the grotto, He didn't cry but he was more interested in what was happening outside aka the stuffed animals!

So when we saw there was a trip from playgroup to a local shopping centre to visit Santa mummy decided to go!

We dropped James off at school then got the bus into town and then the shuttle bus across to the shopping centre where we met up with the rest of the playgroup. There are four settings for his playgroup so there was a lot of kids there that Freddie didn't know, but he knew all the staff! He was especially pleased to see his old key worker who has moved to one of the other settings this year!

All while we were queuing Freddie was a little angel. He was in his buggy, but he was loving all the Christmas decorations!

That all changed once we got to the front of the queue, as we were met by one of Santa's elves he burst into tears and didn't stop! Not even once we were in to see Santa! The only way mummy could get him to calm down was to put Peppa pig onto YouTube! That calmed him right down and he was able to say dinosaur and ninky nonk when Santa asked what he would like for Christmas!

Hopefully next year once he is 4 he might be a bit better although its taken James till he was 6 to stop being scared!

Here is Freddie before going into the grotto!


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