Monday, 19 February 2018

Living Arrows 2018 8/53

Welcome to Living Arrows 2018 Week 8!
We had a brilliant time last week visiting family and enjoying a family day out in London! 

James was thrilled he got to visit Pudding Lane, where the Great Fire of London started and we saw the monument that was built to commemorate it. By the time we got back to my in laws house our Google fit apps on our phones said we had walked over nine miles and done over twenty thousand steps! 

It was such a busy day! We arrived into London just after ten am and headed straight down to see the London Eye, Big Ben and Palace of Westminster. James was thrilled about seeing Big Ben especially as he had seen it on Go Jetters! 

The photos of the boys were actually taken while we were at their grandparents house and out in London!


Living Arrows


  1. Wow that's lots of steps! Lovely selection of photos.


  2. We have pencilled in to do this exact trip in April as Athena is learning about it at school! You have made me all excited for it! x

  3. Great photos! Looks like everyone enjoyed themselves! X #livingarrows
